Earn up to 20 million HKD extra for being MDRT / COT/ TOT for 3 continuous years.
The three tax-deductible products introduced by the government are no news to the public, namely the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS), Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policies (QDAP) and Tax Deductible MPF Voluntary Contributions (TVC). With the introduction of various financial management tools, such as the government's introduction of three treasures of tax rebates, voluntary medical insurance, tax-saving annuities, and voluntary contribution MPF in recent years, coupled with the lack of public confidence in social insurance, the importance of personal financial management is increasing day by day. Accountants who possess knowledge of insurance can provide professional one-stop service to clients. Our team is second to none in helping accounting firm owners to build flourishing careers as established agents.
Every great business needs a pathfinder to get it off the ground and communicate product information and solutions face-to-face with clients. Skilled practitioners with emotional intelligence will never be replaced by machines or robots. While the majority of insurance agents work on straight commission, when it comes to earnings potential, the sky is the limit. Our structure is solid and our training strategy leverages the success formula in shaping a prosperous path for MDRT members and growing our core team business.
We offer fresh graduates exciting opportunities in the insurance industry. With us you can rise through a transparent system, earn an income commensurate with the work you put in, enjoy work-life balance and hone your skills anytime to get your career off to a flying start. Keep your entrepreneurial spirit alive and future-proof your career with a reliable income. Our team offers expert guidance and support to fresh graduates on their paths to becoming MDRT to achieve excellence.
A good bank account manager is always the perfect candidate for an insurance agent. According to the Job Seeker Salary Report 2021 by JobsDB, a financial planner with one year of experience in the insurance industry can earn between HKD 40K-100K per month. Career opportunities are countless while the salaries are high enough to meet your aspirations – and maybe even better than your current position! Carol Pang, our team leader, is a former bank account manager. She has sufficient experience and knowledge to train bank account managers to become insurance practitioners with annual salary of millions per year! Most of our managers launched their insurance agency from the banking field and ended up at the cutting edge of insurance innovation and financial leadership.
The aging population has drawn attention to health, especially as the coronavirus pandemic has swept the globe. With healthcare becoming a greater priority, its potential correlates closely with the insurance industry, and that sharing of the same client base helps skyrocket the business. In our experience, direct marketing practitioners usually find their place swiftly since they are no strangers to systematic training.